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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

6 Weeks!

It seems to have taken forever to get to 6 weeks - only 34 more to go! I haven't had a chance to upload the u/s picture yet but will soon. I do have to say the toughest part so far is hiding this from my mom. I feel terrible keeping this away from her.  She probably knows already - I'm a terrible liar. Why hide it you may ask? Well, we don't want to tell anyone until like 12-14wks so if I tell my parents now it seems unfair to ask them to keep a secret for 6+ weeks. Do I honestly think I'll make it to 12 weeks without spilling to my parents? NO - it seemed like such an easy idea before I was pregnant - now not so easy. Right now the ultimate goal would be 8 weeks, but if she asks me anymore questions I'll probably crack.
To be honest I'm not exactly lying - but I am certainly evading.
How far along? 6 weeks

By week 6, your baby’s brain and nervous system are developing at a rapid pace. Optic vesicles, which later form the eyes, begin to develop this week on the sides of the head, as do the passageways that will make up the inner ear.Your baby's heart will begin to beat around this time, and it may even be detected on ultrasound examination. And the beginnings of the digestive and respiratory systems are forming, too. Small buds that will grow into your baby's arms and legs also appear this week.

Next Appointment: 11/2/11 another U/S - hopefully we hear the heartbeat on the U/S machine this time.

Weight gain/loss: unknown.

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok except for the peeing 3x a night.
Best moment this week? Seeing the little flutter of the heartbeat on the U/S
Food cravings: Chicken nuggets from McDonald's and Tacos from Taco bell (only caved once on the chicken nuggets. Holding strong on the tacos)

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Not odd but the nausea started up this past week.
Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: I just want to hold the baby
Weekly wisdom: Today I am Pregnant and I love my baby.

Milestones: Size of a sweet pea and saw a Heartbeat!

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