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Thursday, December 8, 2011

12 weeks!!!

I know I know... such a sucky blogger. Well I had another ultrasound today. We decided to do the first trimester screening at my last OB appointment so today was bloodwork and an pretty lengthy ultrasound at the Albany Med OB office. It was really cool - I'll have to post picture later. You could see the little one moving all around - he/she was pretty cooperative any stayed in a good position for the tech to get the measurements.

In the screening they measure the fluid at the back of the babies neck (nuchal fold). At 12 weeks the average measurement is 2.18mm. Our measurement was 2mm which is good. The Dr. said everything looks normal. After our next set of blood work (between 15-17wks) we'll get ratio of the likely hood of the baby have Down syndrome or other trisomy issues.

Over all it was pretty cool - we could see the spine, the stomach the arms & legs(which were crossed). The U/S tech even switched to 3D which was cool and creepy at the same time. Chris said it looks like an alien - so he decided we should call it Snarl ( a character from transformers).

So how big is baby?? Well Snarl is measuring at about 2.6" This week we are a plum!

Your baby's brain continues to develop, and tiny fingernails and toenails start to form. Vocal cords are formed this week, which is the last of your first trimester.
Your baby's kidneys are functioning! After swallowing amniotic fluid, your baby will now be able to pass it out of the body as urine. And the intestines will make their way into the abdomen, since there is room for them now.

Next Appointment: 12/14/11   regular OB appointment - hopefully can hear the heartbeat on the Doppler at the dr's office.

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok - waking up a few times a night.

Best moment this week? The good N/T scan and seeing all the movement and development in the last 3 weeks!

Food cravings: Nothing really.

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Nausea is definitely getting better (Knock on wood).

Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope - at least none i can feel - only what i can see on the u/s screen.

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: Telling the rest of the family Christmas Eve & holding the baby (not until June!)

Weekly wisdom: Sleep and enjoy every minute while you can!

Milestones: Good scan and we are a size of a Plum!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

10 Weeks

Ok so I slacked and skipped last week. All has been going well. I had an appointment at the OBGYN and had another ultrasound. My estimated due date has been confirmed for June 20, 2012. All was going well, I got to see the baby jump a bit and wave. Nothing else is on the schedule until 12/8 - when we have our first trimester screening. This is blood works and a more in depth ultrasound. Other than that all is good!

Life is crazy busy between work & girl scouts. I can't believe I am 10 weeks today and tomorrow is thanksgiving!

So how big is baby??

This week baby is the size of a Prune!

By week 10, all of your baby's vital organs have been formed and are starting to work together.
As external changes such as the separation of fingers and toes and the disappearance of the tail takes place, internal developments are taking place too. Tooth buds form inside the mouth, and if you're having a boy, his testes will begin producing the male hormone testosterone.
Congenital abnormalities are unlikely to develop after week 10. This also marks the end of the embryonic period — in general, the embryo now has a distinctly human appearance and starting next week your baby will officially be considered a fetus.

Next Appointment: 12/8/11 another U/S and blood work (N/T Scan)

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok - waking up a few times a night.

Best moment this week? Good heartbeat and seeing the little arm & legs developing.

Food cravings: Still nothing - its harder to find something I want to eat.

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Nausea still going strong. Heartburn is kicking in too.

Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: Telling the rest of the family Christmas Eve & holding the baby (not until June!)

Weekly wisdom: Sleep - lots!

Milestones: Size of a Prune!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

8 week update!

Hello all! Everything is moving along. Can't believe I am 8 weeks - only  few more until out out of first tri. Can't wait until we can finally tell everyone. Right now the thought is to tell my parents thanksgiving and Chris's family when we are down there for Christmas eve.

Here is the ultrasound picture from this week:

the head is at the bottom of the picture and at the top you can see the umbilical cord. Also this week I could see the little arm & leg buds.

How far along? 8 weeks 4 days (as of today)

The week baby is the size of a raspberry!

Those fingers and toes are just beginning to form this week, and the arms can even flex at the elbows and wrists. The eyes are becoming more obvious because they’ve begun to develop pigment (color) in the retina (back of the eye).
Also, the intestines are getting longer and there isn’t enough room for them in the baby’s abdomen, so they protrude into the umbilical cord until week 12.
By now, the beginnings of the buds that will develop into your baby's genitals have made their appearance, although they've not yet developed enough to reveal whether your baby is a boy or a girl.

Next Appointment: 11/16/11 another U/S and bloodwork - Hope to hear the heartbeat again.

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok - waking up a few times a night.

Best moment this week? Good heartbeat and seeing the little arm & legs developing.

Food cravings: Nothing - its harder to find something I want to eat.

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Nausea still going strong. Heartburn is kicking in too.

Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: Telling family & holding the baby (not until June!)

Weekly wisdom: Eat what ever you can that doesn't make you feel like crap.

Milestones: Size of a Raspberry!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

7 Weeks - a wee bit late

Hi All - a little bit late with this update - First we'll start with some U/S photos:

This is 5weeks 6 Days:

This is 7 Weeks - little one was actually measuring 2 days ahead and we saw a hard beat of 138bpm.

So how far along?? 7 Weeks - this week we are a Blueberry!

Your baby is constantly adapting to life inside the uterus. By this week, the umbilical cord has formed. It will be your baby’s connection to you throughout your pregnancy, providing oxygen and nourishment for your baby and disposing of your baby's wastes. In addition, your baby's digestive tract and lungs continue to form. The mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes are some of the facial features that become more defined this week.


Next Appointment: 11/9/11 another U/S - Hope to hear the heartbeat again.
Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok - waking up a few times a night.
Best moment this week? Hearing the heartbeat!!
Food cravings: Nothing - its harder to find something I want to eat.

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Nausea still going strong.
Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.
Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: Telling family & holding the baby (not until June!)
Weekly wisdom: Hmmm  not sure what wisdom I have - sleep while you can?

Milestones: Size of a blueberry and saw/heard a Heartbeat!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

6 Weeks!

It seems to have taken forever to get to 6 weeks - only 34 more to go! I haven't had a chance to upload the u/s picture yet but will soon. I do have to say the toughest part so far is hiding this from my mom. I feel terrible keeping this away from her.  She probably knows already - I'm a terrible liar. Why hide it you may ask? Well, we don't want to tell anyone until like 12-14wks so if I tell my parents now it seems unfair to ask them to keep a secret for 6+ weeks. Do I honestly think I'll make it to 12 weeks without spilling to my parents? NO - it seemed like such an easy idea before I was pregnant - now not so easy. Right now the ultimate goal would be 8 weeks, but if she asks me anymore questions I'll probably crack.
To be honest I'm not exactly lying - but I am certainly evading.
How far along? 6 weeks

By week 6, your baby’s brain and nervous system are developing at a rapid pace. Optic vesicles, which later form the eyes, begin to develop this week on the sides of the head, as do the passageways that will make up the inner ear.Your baby's heart will begin to beat around this time, and it may even be detected on ultrasound examination. And the beginnings of the digestive and respiratory systems are forming, too. Small buds that will grow into your baby's arms and legs also appear this week.

Next Appointment: 11/2/11 another U/S - hopefully we hear the heartbeat on the U/S machine this time.

Weight gain/loss: unknown.

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok except for the peeing 3x a night.
Best moment this week? Seeing the little flutter of the heartbeat on the U/S
Food cravings: Chicken nuggets from McDonald's and Tacos from Taco bell (only caved once on the chicken nuggets. Holding strong on the tacos)

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Not odd but the nausea started up this past week.
Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: I just want to hold the baby
Weekly wisdom: Today I am Pregnant and I love my baby.

Milestones: Size of a sweet pea and saw a Heartbeat!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today is my Birthday!

And it was a good day. It started off with an ultrasound appointment. Definitely more to see this week than last. Its AMAZING what a difference 1 week can make. Best part of it all - getting to see the flutter of the heartbeat. It was great. I can't wait for next week to see how much the little bug has changed. They have my EDD as June 20th - so technically I am 5 wks 6 days - so the weekly update will be tomorrow!

The great appointment was followed by a lovely lunch and movie with Chris, and then dinner with Chris, my parents & brother. Overall a great birthday!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

5 Weeks!

Today I hit 5 weeks. I had an appointment for an early ultrasound. What do you think?

The little blob in the center - thats our little bean! Not much to see at this point, but I go back again next Tuesday (my birthday!) and hopefully there will be a bit more to this viewing. Overall above is what you expect to see at this point.

I also had more bloodwork done (I think I am starting to conquer my needle fear - though I still can't watch while they draw blood). HGC level was 5,854.6 and progesterone is 30.6. Over all my HGC doubles on an average of 33 hours. Not too bad. Still nervous about this pregnancy - I have no symptoms to speak of. Its crazy - but I wish I would feel like crap - atleast it would feel a bit more real. **Hopefully** at the scan next week we'll be luck enough to see a heartbeat. I think that would help to ease my nerves a bit.

So 5 weeks - how big is baby??

Your baby's heart will begin to beat this week! Your baby is now called an embryo and is about the size of an apple seed.
Until now, the embryo has been a mass of cells; but starting at about week 5 of pregnancy, a distinct shape begins to form. A front, back, top, and bottom are now apparent. Also, a bulge in the center of the embryo develops into your baby's heart. The nervous system, muscles, and bones begin to develop. Your placenta and the amniotic sac will also begin to develop, so many developments are happening all at once!

Now time for the weekly survey
How far along? 5 weeks

Next Appointment: 10/25 for an ultrasound!

Weight gain/loss: No idea!

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Not too bad.

Best moment this week? Seeing the gestational sac on the Ultrasound!

Food cravings: Nothing really

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: none really

Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: I just want to hold the baby

Weekly wisdom: Today I am Pregnant and I love my baby.
Milestones: Size of an appleseed?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blood Test - take 2

My HGC level increased - 499.8. Progesterone is now 35.7. The doctors office looks for the levels to double every 48 hours. Mine doubled in 32. So far everything is good - mainly fatigue is hitting me right now.

Up next is a ultrasound on 10/18, so I'll have a picture to post next time!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blood results in!

I had a blood test today to check the HGC levels in my blood. The test came back positive - my level was 185. My progesterone level was also checked and that was a 23. The nurse said both numbers were good, though I am being put on a progesterone supplement - to keep the number up. I go back for a second test on Thursday. Hopefully the HGC levels double. Following that I would get my first pregnancy ultrasound a week later!

Monday, October 10, 2011

4 weeks (1 day early)

Today I am 4 weeks. The baby is the size of a single poppy seed:

Baby's now the size of a poppy seed!Now safe in your womb, the ball of cells (blastocyst) is splitting into the embryo (your future child) and placenta. Outside this microscopic speck, the amniotic sac and fluid are forming into protective cushioning.
Neural tube forms at 1-4 weeks of your pregnancy - It will develop into the nervous system (Brain, spinal cord, hair, and skin). Already your baby has the foundation for thought, senses, feeling, and more!
At 1-4 weeks pregnant, heart and primitive circulatory system rapidly form - While still in its beginning stages, this is the very life support system that will carry your child throughout his or her life.

I will do my best to keep up weekly with my "progress"

How far along? 4 weeks

Next Appointment: Call in for blood work

Weight gain/loss: May never answer this question. I don't think it starts until after the first OB appointment right???

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Crazy dreams every. single. night.

Best moment this week? Positive Pregnancy test!

Food cravings: Nothing really

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: random hot flashes

Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: I just want to hold the baby

Weekly wisdom: Today I am Pregnant and I love my baby.

Milestones: Size of poppy seeds.


Welcome all! I created this blog to track this pregnancy and any future pregnancies! I won't regale embarass all of you with the details of how we got to this point, but needless to say it was a bit more of a journey than expected and all we are hoping to come home with is a healthy baby!