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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

10 Weeks

Ok so I slacked and skipped last week. All has been going well. I had an appointment at the OBGYN and had another ultrasound. My estimated due date has been confirmed for June 20, 2012. All was going well, I got to see the baby jump a bit and wave. Nothing else is on the schedule until 12/8 - when we have our first trimester screening. This is blood works and a more in depth ultrasound. Other than that all is good!

Life is crazy busy between work & girl scouts. I can't believe I am 10 weeks today and tomorrow is thanksgiving!

So how big is baby??

This week baby is the size of a Prune!

By week 10, all of your baby's vital organs have been formed and are starting to work together.
As external changes such as the separation of fingers and toes and the disappearance of the tail takes place, internal developments are taking place too. Tooth buds form inside the mouth, and if you're having a boy, his testes will begin producing the male hormone testosterone.
Congenital abnormalities are unlikely to develop after week 10. This also marks the end of the embryonic period — in general, the embryo now has a distinctly human appearance and starting next week your baby will officially be considered a fetus.

Next Appointment: 12/8/11 another U/S and blood work (N/T Scan)

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok - waking up a few times a night.

Best moment this week? Good heartbeat and seeing the little arm & legs developing.

Food cravings: Still nothing - its harder to find something I want to eat.

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Nausea still going strong. Heartburn is kicking in too.

Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: Telling the rest of the family Christmas Eve & holding the baby (not until June!)

Weekly wisdom: Sleep - lots!

Milestones: Size of a Prune!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

8 week update!

Hello all! Everything is moving along. Can't believe I am 8 weeks - only  few more until out out of first tri. Can't wait until we can finally tell everyone. Right now the thought is to tell my parents thanksgiving and Chris's family when we are down there for Christmas eve.

Here is the ultrasound picture from this week:

the head is at the bottom of the picture and at the top you can see the umbilical cord. Also this week I could see the little arm & leg buds.

How far along? 8 weeks 4 days (as of today)

The week baby is the size of a raspberry!

Those fingers and toes are just beginning to form this week, and the arms can even flex at the elbows and wrists. The eyes are becoming more obvious because they’ve begun to develop pigment (color) in the retina (back of the eye).
Also, the intestines are getting longer and there isn’t enough room for them in the baby’s abdomen, so they protrude into the umbilical cord until week 12.
By now, the beginnings of the buds that will develop into your baby's genitals have made their appearance, although they've not yet developed enough to reveal whether your baby is a boy or a girl.

Next Appointment: 11/16/11 another U/S and bloodwork - Hope to hear the heartbeat again.

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok - waking up a few times a night.

Best moment this week? Good heartbeat and seeing the little arm & legs developing.

Food cravings: Nothing - its harder to find something I want to eat.

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Nausea still going strong. Heartburn is kicking in too.

Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: Telling family & holding the baby (not until June!)

Weekly wisdom: Eat what ever you can that doesn't make you feel like crap.

Milestones: Size of a Raspberry!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

7 Weeks - a wee bit late

Hi All - a little bit late with this update - First we'll start with some U/S photos:

This is 5weeks 6 Days:

This is 7 Weeks - little one was actually measuring 2 days ahead and we saw a hard beat of 138bpm.

So how far along?? 7 Weeks - this week we are a Blueberry!

Your baby is constantly adapting to life inside the uterus. By this week, the umbilical cord has formed. It will be your baby’s connection to you throughout your pregnancy, providing oxygen and nourishment for your baby and disposing of your baby's wastes. In addition, your baby's digestive tract and lungs continue to form. The mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes are some of the facial features that become more defined this week.


Next Appointment: 11/9/11 another U/S - Hope to hear the heartbeat again.
Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok - waking up a few times a night.
Best moment this week? Hearing the heartbeat!!
Food cravings: Nothing - its harder to find something I want to eat.

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Nausea still going strong.
Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.
Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: Telling family & holding the baby (not until June!)
Weekly wisdom: Hmmm  not sure what wisdom I have - sleep while you can?

Milestones: Size of a blueberry and saw/heard a Heartbeat!