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Thursday, December 8, 2011

12 weeks!!!

I know I know... such a sucky blogger. Well I had another ultrasound today. We decided to do the first trimester screening at my last OB appointment so today was bloodwork and an pretty lengthy ultrasound at the Albany Med OB office. It was really cool - I'll have to post picture later. You could see the little one moving all around - he/she was pretty cooperative any stayed in a good position for the tech to get the measurements.

In the screening they measure the fluid at the back of the babies neck (nuchal fold). At 12 weeks the average measurement is 2.18mm. Our measurement was 2mm which is good. The Dr. said everything looks normal. After our next set of blood work (between 15-17wks) we'll get ratio of the likely hood of the baby have Down syndrome or other trisomy issues.

Over all it was pretty cool - we could see the spine, the stomach the arms & legs(which were crossed). The U/S tech even switched to 3D which was cool and creepy at the same time. Chris said it looks like an alien - so he decided we should call it Snarl ( a character from transformers).

So how big is baby?? Well Snarl is measuring at about 2.6" This week we are a plum!

Your baby's brain continues to develop, and tiny fingernails and toenails start to form. Vocal cords are formed this week, which is the last of your first trimester.
Your baby's kidneys are functioning! After swallowing amniotic fluid, your baby will now be able to pass it out of the body as urine. And the intestines will make their way into the abdomen, since there is room for them now.

Next Appointment: 12/14/11   regular OB appointment - hopefully can hear the heartbeat on the Doppler at the dr's office.

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? Ok - waking up a few times a night.

Best moment this week? The good N/T scan and seeing all the movement and development in the last 3 weeks!

Food cravings: Nothing really.

Odd pregnancy symptom of the week: Nausea is definitely getting better (Knock on wood).

Genders: Unknown and unsure if we will find out.

Belly button in or out? Way in.

Movement? nope - at least none i can feel - only what i can see on the u/s screen.

What I miss? Nothing.

What I'm looking forward to: Telling the rest of the family Christmas Eve & holding the baby (not until June!)

Weekly wisdom: Sleep and enjoy every minute while you can!

Milestones: Good scan and we are a size of a Plum!